It is rather unfortunate that people choose to wallow in inanities. I really wonder what this writer hopes to achieve other than inadvertently exposing the soft belly of his expired principal.

I am usually happy to read with detached amusement the inordinate ramblings of these hapless PDP apologists. However this one, I couldn’t resist to comment on.

First, let’s be clear that this response is simply to balance the views and correct whatever impressions of the reading public. Otherwise the writer’s debased thoughts certainly don’t deserve any response!

Now, comparing Okezie Ikpeazu with Alex Otti is like trying to match night with day. Such foolhardiness!

I will make it very simple by first taking snippets of Ikpeazu’s track records first as a “school goer” (certainly not a scholar!) and next as a politician. In these digital age, the internet is awash with all manner of falsehood that it gets tedious sorting the wheat from the chaff.

Now if I may ask: What manner of Ph.D holder will superintend over the de-accreditation of the only state polytechnic and teaching hospital in his charge?

What manner of Ph.D holder will put education, health and such fundamentals sectors at the bottom of government priorities? My dear Chinonye Mba, like they say “it’s not the hood that makes the monk” Ikpeazu’s eight year misadventure on the saddle of Abia state government failed so woefully that a stark illiterate would have done much better. Let’s not even go there.

Did I hear you suggest that he beat Alex Otti in any election? It’s either you just arrived from Jupiter or suffering from plain dementia to even go down that rabbit hole!

In 2015, Ikpeazu thanks to his benefactor T. A. Orji (whom I’m sure regrets his role in this) benefited from the “Obingwa magic” that was a brazen abuse of true democratic process and ideals. Alex Otti was the winner of that election by miles but unfortunately the umpires of the day succumbed to shear brutal money power and State intimidation. The rest of course they say is history.

He tried it again in 2023 where he wanted to enthrone his partner – in – 419 crimes Okey Ahiwe.
Unfortunately for him this time around, the people’s power prevailed! How can you even have the temerity of such comparison? A questionable Second class degree holder against an effortless first class graduate?

A buffoon whose only claim to fame before being governor was a glorified refuse collector against a first class brain who got to the pinnacle of the banking sector of the Nigerian economy? An errand boy of yet another hobo in the person of T. A. Orji who until the last minute never dreamed of governorship against a deliberate, articulate, focused and determined technocrat who had already developed his blueprint for governance years before getting sworn in?

In all honesty, have you ever seen a governor or even president hit the ground running as seamlessly as Alex Otti? I wonder the motivation of this writer to clearly overreach himself.
You can’t consciously describe University of Maiduguri and the likes world class Universities. Would you?

Now, contrast this with institutions like Universities of Port Harcourt and Lagos, Columbia, Stamford and Wharton business schools.
I guess you are beginning to get the picture of a clear mismatch!

In the final analysis, let me counsel you that while education is important, we have had less endowed governors in the past who excelled and left enduring legacies in place. While you and your expired ‘massa’ see the acquisition of degrees as the endpoint, Alex Otti simply sees and uses same as means to an end.

Throughout his trajectory in life, Alex Otti has deservedly and proudly hoisted his flag of legacy at every milestone and summit attained. In 2023, he clearly hit the ground running and I can understand that his dizzying pace is enough to mesmerize detractors like you to stupor.

Governance is certainly not about billboards and write ups by e-rats like you. It’s about achieving realistic objectives using clear cut facts, figures and tasks that are measurable.

Alex is clearly at the head of a ruthlessly efficient team that has zero tolerance for praise singers and tragic apologists of proven failures like you. Like they say, the best campaign an incumbent can make is to run a successful government.

Like I said earlier, Governor Alex has hit the ground with the pace of a 100m sprinter. Unfortunately for people like you, he has another thirty plus months to even improve on his admirable pace.

Abia has never had it so good since it’s creation, I daresay.

My candid advice to you will be to fetch your pen and paper to take daily notes on what good governance is all about!

You heard me!

Elder Nwaobilor Emeruwa
Writes from Obingwa

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