Mrs. Priscilla Chidinma Otti Urges Collective Action Against Child Labour


The wife of the Governor of Abia State, Mrs. Priscilla Chidinma Otti, has issued a passionate call to end child labour, coinciding with the global campaign against this grave injustice. According to the National Bureau of Statistics’ Nigerian Child Labour and Forced Labour Survey 2022, a staggering 49.9% of children in the South-East, including Abia State, are involved in child labour.

“In Abia State, we take the issue of child labour seriously,” said Mrs. Otti. Governor Alex Chioma Otti’s administration has demonstrated a firm commitment to eradicating child labour through measures such as compulsory education, increased budget allocations for schools, and enhanced support for special needs education.

“As we unite with the global community today to combat child labour, I fervently call upon everyone to rally under the theme: ‘Let’s honour our commitments: end child labour now!’ Child labour robs our children of their future,” Mrs. Otti emphasized. “Let us turn our promises into action and give every child the chance to dream, learn, and thrive.”

This strong stance reflects the administration’s dedication to creating a safer, more equitable environment for all children in Abia State. Mrs. Otti’s call to action aims to mobilize the community to ensure that every child can enjoy a childhood free from exploitation and full of opportunities for growth and development.

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